Our nanofiltration systems use membranes to separate high charge molecules, chemicals, minerals, and organic matter from otherwise drinkable water. Nanofiltration does not reject many dissolved solids such as sodium and chloride, so it is well suited to areas where total dissolved solids are not a concern, but removal of larger contaminants is a must.
Some applications may include water softening, removal of bacteria and other organics, chemicals, or harmful metals. Nanofiltration systems offer lower energy consumption compared to brackish water RO (BWRO) systems, which greatly reduces operating costs.
Whether you’re trying to remove arsenic, harmful chemicals, or hardness, ISI Water can provide a system that best suits your needs.
Our Nanofiltration skids typically include:
- Structural steel frame
- 8-inch pressure vessels loaded with spiral wound membrane elements
- High pressure pump
- Stainless steel high pressure piping (304SS standard. Optional upgrades to 316SS, or Duplex 2205.)
- PVC low pressure piping
- Process valves
- Full system instrumentation and gauges
- Control cabinet
- All parts fully assembled and ready for installation on site
Additional features can be added by request such as:
- Actuated valves (motorized or pneumatic)
- Custom 3 phase power systems
- Customized instrumentation
- Commissioning and training
Learn more about our services or contact us for more information.