ISI Water builds membrane based water treatment systems. These are used around the world to treat many different type of water in many different types of industries. Uses include fish processing, mining, petroleum processing, municipal and resort water supplies etc. These different industries generally have very specific requirement with respect to scope and design, often specifying the font on a wire label for example, or a preferred vendor, alloy or design arrangement. However, once the project is completed, the issue of spare parts typically arises, and the question is often “what do you recommend”. Or if it is specified, it might suggest that “one year spare parts to be included”. What is the appropriate response and what does this mean?
Over the years, we have tried a number of approaches. These include providing a fully priced spare parts list with the intent that the client would select that spares they want to see. This has not worked out very well because 1) the client does not reasonably have the experience to make this selection, and 2) putting the onus for the client to select the spare parts results in action-paralysis. They would like ISI Water to make this recommendation.
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